Catching Up With…

The Troutrageous! blog recorded its first entry way back in June of 2007. In the many years since, I’ve had the pleasure of reading the fishing (& outdoor) blogs of countless folks that (for whatever the reason) shared a common calling to publish their stories, photography, insights, or humor to the good ol’ world wide web. Some disappeared as quickly as they began, while others had quite a bit of staying power, still existing in some form today.

Admittedly, the blog is an archaic relic of the internet’s past, but the “peak” of fly fishing blogging was probably a 5 or so year run between 2008-2013 (give or take a few years in either direction). Ambitious angler-authors all wrote, read, and commented on each other’s posts often, creating a quirky little kinda community. A bunch of them even voluntarily wore T! shirts and stuck stickers in places they regret…

Catching Up With… Troutrageous!

For better or worse, once more quick-twitch forms of social media popped up like Facebook & Instagram, most longform blogs died out, or at best new posts became very sporadic. People just found other areas of interest, or platforms in which to express themselves. (Guilty as charged!)

So, with the motivation of creating a little content, I’m starting what I hope becomes a series of interviews with some fishing & outdoors bloggers of the past. I’ll call it “Catching Up With…”, at least until I think up something better. Get it, like catching… fish… I know, not my best work.

Now, I realize this may not interest many people, especially if you weren’t in that space at the time. But it interests me, and this is my blog, and I want to see what everyone’s been up to. It’s been a decade. Let’s see who’s still out there?

Catching Up With… Lou DiGena

Lou DiGena of the Fly & Fin blog is the subject of today’s “Catching Up With…” article. Lou is one…

Catching Up With… Karel Lansky

Most of the folks I’ve “Caught Up With…” to this point were rod & reel fly fishers. However, those that…

Catching Up With… Jason Tucker

Jason Tucker and his Fontinalis Rising blog was an absolute must read back in the day. Jason was based out…

Catching Up With… Steven Smith

Steven Smith… he was one of those fishing bloggers that was always tinkering behind the scenes. Be it with the…

Catching Up With… Joe Wolf

Joe Wolf, (or “Wolfy” as most knew him), was a pretty influential guy back in the olden days of outdoor…

Catching Up With… Bjorn Stromsness

Bjorn Stromsness, was/is probably best known in online fishing circles from his blog, Bonefish on the Brain. His blog was…

Catching Up With… Kirk Werner

One of my favorite fly fishing bloggers of the early 2010s was Kirk Werner, the author of the blog “Unaccomplished…

Catching Up With… Clif Gerke

Lunker Hunt was one of the old school Blogger blogs that I really enjoyed visiting back in the day. The…

Catching Up With… Brian Schiele

Prologue: In an earlier post I ambiguously teased a new project I was working on. Well, “Catching Up With…” is…

Note, if you think there’s anybody I should try to catch up with,
pop me a note and I’ll see if I can get a hold of them…