
Lilly is awesome. I used to post a lot about her on this blog… but my little girl is growing up and is a teenager now! Figure I should probably start respecting her privacy a bit more, so I don’t share too much about her these days. She’s fallen into her own form of social media and is out and about online herself. Like father, like daughter I suppose…

Lilly, my crazy little blog buddy from days of yore, and some dated context around the photos…

There’s really not a heck of a lot more I can say about Lilly, because I’d go on for days.  Watching her grow and develop into quite the little lady on a daily basis is something that I have trouble describing.  I mean there are so many things she does & says that make me stand back in bewilderment – in a good way.  If you’re a parent (especially of an only-child like Lilly) you know exactly what I’m talking about.

This blog started out as a fishing blog, but quickly also morphed into a way to keep family members up to date on Lilly too.  It’s especially fun when the two intersect, like this:

or this…

or this…

or this…

or this…

or this…

or even when they don’t, like this…

Like I said, Lilly is awesome…and no matter how big she gets, she’ll always be my little girl.

Love you Lil,

Read more Lilly posts on Troutrageous! by clicking HERE.